Wire buckles are used to fix the pallet and the load by connecting the two ends of the strap with the buckle. Buckles secure heavy loads in transit. Buckles come as phosphated or galvanized buckles. Galvanized buckles are used with composite and textile straps. Woven straps are used with phosphated buckles. Hotmelt straps can be used with both, galvanized and phosphated buckles. Buckles vary in size, wire diameter and coating. The quality of the buckles is the most important factor affecting strength of the joint of the strap. They are designed for easy usage and maintain high load performance. Buckles do not harm the load nor are they affected by weather conditions. Buckles can be retightened when necessary. CO-STRAP buckles are mainly used with Polyester Corded Composite Strapping, Textile (hotmelt) Strapping and Woven Strapping but are also used with PET Strapping and PP Strapping. Contact us if you wish to receive further information or assistance.